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date. april 23, 2022


Cities are a fundamental part of not only the state or country, but the world as a whole. Many of the world’s places are often standardized with their greatest cities in mind, whether it be Paris, France, or Tokyo, Japan. Here in the United States, there are almost a dozen different major cities in all parts of the country, representing the different cultures and lifestyles of the American population. The United States capital of Washington, DC is no different, being the epicenter of the government and all that represents American culture. But almost every city has a certain feature that is often overlooked, and that is usually underappreciated. The feature I’m talking about is street art. 


Usually painted on walls out of the general view, street art is more important than many people think, and it actually covers subjects and social issues that some artists avoid. What are those, exactly? Let's take a journey to America’s capital to find out: One Mural at a Time.





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